
The path to a sustainable world

Across all Nordic Collection brands, we recognise that travel has an impact on the environment. That is why we are doing our part to reduce our environmental footprint.

In 2024, Nordic Collection received the Travelife Certified Award. Travelife is the international sustainability certification for the tourism sector. To receive this title, a company must fulfil more than 200 criteria. However, sustainability is a long process, so we are constantly challenging ourselves to do better. This way, we can bring many more travellers to the world’s most beautiful destinations in a socially and environmentally responsible way.

Read here what steps we are taking towards a more sustainable world.

Internal Sustainability

Within our organisation, an internal project group deals with the issue of sustainability. Not only do they develop new projects, they also take care of the sustainability aspect on the workfloor. Separating waste, saving energy, encouraging reusable lunch boxes and hybrid working are just a few examples of our internal sustainability. On top of that, we want to keep our employees happy and encourage their talents in an open and welcoming working environment.

Did you know, that…

  • 98% of our colleagues enjoy coming to work in the morning?
  • 100% of our employees are proud of Nordic Collection?
  • 100% of our team thinks we have a fun atmosphere in the office?

CO₂ Compensation

Naturally, sustainable partners and products are also important to us. For every trip with Nordic Collection, we calculate the CO₂ emissions of the chosen offer. Based on this calculation, we offset the CO₂ emissions through a number of sustainable projects. We do this with the certified organisation Climate Impact Partners. This way, we take responsibility for the environmental pollution caused by the tourism industry. As such, we support large-scale wind and solar farms in China, India and Africa.

Sustainable Partners

Our partners at home and at our destinations are an important part of our organisation. We enjoy working with partners who also have sustainability at the top of their priority list. That way, we encourage each other to continue to do the best we can and reduce our environmental footprint.

Sustainable Travel

We encourage our customers to travel as sustainably as possible and provide them with various tips on how to do so. That is how Nordic Collection contributes to making travel more sustainable. For example, the travel documents of the Scandinavian specialist Nordic are offered digitally via a practical travel app, which also contains the travel guides. This saves a lot of paper and printing!